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What is a cherished number plate?


If you want to make your car stand out and look cool then why not replace your vehicle's standard registration with a cherished number plate? These timeless private number plates are also known as ‘dateless number plates’ and were manufactured prior to 1963.


Because dateless plates do not contain an age identifier like prefix and suffix style plates, they can be displayed on cars of any age. Making them super popular with drivers of all types of cars from new to classic. Owing to their dateless quality, cherished plates are in high demand and finding a DVLA cherished registration for the name or word that you want can be tricky. But there are still some out there that may suit your private number plate needs. 


Find cherished number plates for sale by browsing the SwiftReg website, or better yet, enter your desired plate into the advanced search engine and suitable results will be displayed for you to view. 


Cherished number plates are formatted as 1 - 4 digits followed by 1 - 3 letters. The reverse is also true, and cherished registrations can be found formatted as 1 - 3 letters followed by 1 - 4 numbers.



Adding a cherished reg to your vehicle can make your car stand out from the rest and even though some plates are affordable, it can look like you spent thousands on your private registration. 


Within reason, anything can be used on cherished plates and as long as it’s available you can find a plate that reflects your specific career or personality. 






Names and initials are popular options with some cherished number plates available that clearly state the driver’s name.






1 FDN (Initials)


Whatever your particular hobby or pastime there is a cherished number plate for you. Options for different types of hobby or sport can be found that are available for purchase.








How to transfer a cherished number plate


Once you have purchased your DVLA cherished number plate you may need to know how to transfer it to your vehicle. The process can be completed online or by post, and some information will need to be submitted to complete the transfer. 


Assigning your new cherished number plate to your vehicle can be completed by supplying owner information and entering details from your logbook (VC5) and paying the required fee. Alternatively, to remove the stress and hassle of dealing with government forms, SwiftReg can manage the transfer of your cherished number plate for you to make the process fast and easy. 

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